Wednesday, January 04, 2006

It's not just the Nyquil talking

Being sick sucks. Of course. Not an original thought at all. But it does. I have this nasty flu going around, and it's just wearing my ass out.

What are the top resolutions? "Lose weight." "Join a gym." "Go back to the gym." L'Ailee is a busy girl; I probably won't see hide nor hair of her for a few weeks.

She can't afford to get sick, so she slept downstairs last night, on the fold-out futon with the pretty new blanket I got her for Solstice and a couple of cats. She said it was comfortable, and probably she was. We hated sleeping without each other, though. Intellectually, I knew it was the right thing to do; emotionally, it sucks monkey ass. She'll be doing that again tonight, too, and as long as I'm feeling this nasty.

Speaking of nasty...

Apparently I talk about my interests too much on the MBOL. L'Ailee, relationship stuff, pandas, etc. Never mind that other people do it; mine is wrong. Okay then. Enough very cool other people that I'd only have met there have no problem with my posts--I just feel unwelcome tonight, is all. I've never been more grateful for all y'all at the Cool Lunch Table. Just for tonight, I'm bored and lonely and can't even physically talk on the phone, you know?

But the thing is, I'm working on a relationship book, as I've told a few of y'all. Money and health are iffy, but love's one aspect of my life where I hit all six numbers in the Cosmic Lottery *and* worked hard. So I have a project called the Big Bisexual Relationship Book (its working title.) So many books explain bisexuality--I wanted to see a book that spoke about our unique relationship issues. I decided that in order to see it, I had to make it!

So if I talk a lot about love, it's because I think a lot about love. I am working on the book. I am interviewing people. (And if you wanna be in it, just e-mail me!) Even without that, it is, as anyone who read the last post should have guessed, the very proudest accomplishment in my shortish life that I have, despite much reason to fear, managed to love and commit. This love was strong enough for me to sacrifice Survivor nights with my Orlando girlfriends, seeing those girls whom I adore on a regular basis, aquatic-themed bathrooms, warm winters, and my hedgehog. (Sonic the African Pygmy Hedgehog died last winter. African pygmy hedgehogs don't do well in cold weather.) I'm making new friends and loving new things and building a new life, and I even got a new pet (Hello Kitty is such a sweetie-pie!), but it took something extremely powerful to make me do it.

Hasta manana, y'all. I came up with that by accident, and my Florida friends tell me that combining Spanish and Southern is about as Floridian as you can get. :-)


nancy =) said...

sorry you're not feeling well, and i hope you're better soonly...sleeping alone so the other person doesn't get sick just sucks...

i love reading this blog...always...but especially tonight...


Nancy said...

Cracker, it's your blog to do with as you want! Don't stop now!

If there is not a book that explains what you think needs splainin, write it. Good for you!

Feel better.

Anonymous said...

I hope you get over your cold soon.

Carie said...

the flu is killing me as well...been over a week now and I am feeling no better, it just moved in to my chest...blah....

I think its so cool that you are writing a book, its a topic that you seldom if ever read about...

:o) I hope you feel better very soon