There is now an actual radio show called "Straight Talk," but it's nowhere near that cool. It's Stephen and Irene Bennett's new project. All ex-gay and anti-gay talk, all the time! And the website alone is an ab-so-LUTE visual assault!
See what I mean here.
Blogzie posted about it yesterday. I can't believe I just now put that concept and some awesome strips from my favorite comic EVER, Pearls Before Swine, together in my head. (Click on 'em for a closer look. I like this format because you can do that and my formatting doesn't go all to shit as it would with full-sized strips.)
But Stephen, if you're reading, I dedicate these to Y-O-U-you! :-)
Those crocodiles just kill me! :-) So would Bennett, if I didn't have to take his supporters seriously.
"uneducated, self absorbed buffoon" OMG that cracks me UP!!!!
And there are pearls, alright... but I think that some ex-gay televangelist wanna be is clutching them next to his little pink triangles.
Thanks...I needed the laugh!
Why yes!
I forgot that 'Straight Talk' was a movie.
Now that's way too funny.
Gee, someone needs to sue someone.
I'm off to email the screenwriter.
Love Ya!
ding ding ding---
and the winner of this weeks best post goes to:
Cracker Lilo !
applause applause !
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