Friday, April 07, 2006


I suspect that there are other men who feel this way, but not as many men who'll say so plainly to their sisters.

After almost a year of trying to deny that he looks at any woman who's not his wife, my newlywed kid brother is finally admitting that he looks again. He seems to have two distinct types--small and delicate, and big and bold. He married a big woman. I first told him he didn't know what the hell he wanted, but thought better of it real quick. (Number one, he wants his wife more than anybody else, and we all know it. Number two, who the hell am I to talk about other people's varying types?)

I said he's "like, bi, but with weight, not gender." He died laughing, said he'd tell everybody he was "bi-weightual," and that he'd be with his wife through thick and thin. (And in the cold light of day, wow, it takes so little to make us laugh!) Then he said, seriously, "You know what it is? And don't be offended..."

...which just automatically puts me on the offensive...

"...but it's like, smaller women look good, but bigger women *feel* good." I laughed at him, but it really did make me wonder.


alan said...

For me, it was always Marilyn, not Twiggy...


I n g e r said...

I love your family. Love that conversation--love that you think about it. Makes me think about it.

xox Inger

sttropezbutler said...

I second that Inger.


sjobs said...

I third what Inger said. I think your brother might have something there.


Barbara said...

I can understand where he's coming from. I think Halle Berry is hot but I'd have to slap some sauce on those ribs first - if ya know what I mean. Now Queen Latifa - well, well! LOL

TFLS said...

Who really understands the chemistry behind attraction? I have varying tastes as well. And that all changes as soon as the guy opens his mouth. Someone’s wit and wisdom can be its own turn-on, and supersede looks entirely. It all depends on a multiplicity of factors. Whom you marry may end up vastly different from whom you've usually sought out just for sex.